Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Final Emulation Project

For this project, I found an image found by an artist I like, and I emulated it. For my project I found an image by the Photographer Reza and emulated it using the same elements of arts as she did in her image, but also putting my take on the picture in to it.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Photo Balance

This assignment asked us to find photos that represent the three main types of photo balance: Radial balance, symmetrical balance, and asymmetrical balance. We also had to find photos that showed contrast in size, and texture, and color.
This is an example of a symmetrically balanced photo, with a bike and a bench on each side, and the water fountain in the middle

This photo represent Radial Balance, in which the center of the picture is the most important feature
This photo represents asymmetrical balance, owing to the mad hatter dominating one side of the photo, whereas the other side of the photo is mostly blank

Monday, January 6, 2014

Diptychs, Triptychs, and Kaleidoscopes

For this assignment, I used previously taken pictures to create kaleidoscopes, triptychs, and diptychs, using editing to create the desired effects. These photos are focused on a variety of subjects, from downtown Portland, to Washington park.
I like this flower kaleidoscope because the way I edited it makes it seem similar to infrared 

This is my favorite triptych, taken of a flower downtown.

School time diptych of my friend Alex

This bike stood out to be because its brightness greatly contrasted the normal grey and green colors that surrounded it

Spider Triptych