Thursday, May 8, 2014

Magazine Project

For this project, I created a fake magazine and took pictures for ads and articles in the magazine. The magazine that I chose was TIME magazine, and I created three ads as well as two photo spreads.
This is the cover of my magazine and I used an image of Kyle with his mouth covered in tape because I feel that it matches the themes that are often presented in TIME magazine.

This is a spread about the situation in Crimea, and it doesn't actually use very much photography, it is mostly photoshop to create the idea that the United States is saying that it is still allied with Russia, even amidst the situation in Crimea. The other image is a black and white image of the hallway to give it a desolate feel that I was trying to create in the magazine.

This is a multiple image ad that is for Embark chairs. I used images of people in chairs and saturated the a lot in order to give the feeling the sunshine and happiness, which is conducive to people buying the chairs. I used a cursive looking font to represent how the chairs are sophisticated and elegant.

This Nikon ad is in black and white to highlight the yellow Nikon words as well as give the sense of being very classy. The Nikon words are in a font similar to the actual ad, and the capture the moment is a different font because the font makes the words stand out and are almost italic which makes the words seem as if they are important.

In this photo of Kyle, I highlighted the contrast between the light and the dark backgrounds to make Kyle stand out, and I used red and white font on a black background to also make the words stand out, and so that people can easily differentiate between the questions and the words.

In this photo, I increased the exposure intentionally to make the picture very bad, which highlights the need for Adobe Photoshop. The black standard font really pops from the white background and draws the reads eyes.