Thursday, October 31, 2013

Project 2 Framing and Composition

For this project we experimented with eight different types of photographic framing and composition techniques: Frame within a frame, Birds eye view, Bugs eye view, Rule of thirds, Filling the frame, Diagonals, Close up, and Leading lines. Within each of these techniques I took pictures of three separate subjects throughout downtown Portland, and Washington Park. Here are my favorite photos of each technique, which were then edited in light room.
Rule of Thirds featuring a bike in the Rose Garden

Filling the Frame of an archway in downtown Portland
Birds Eye View of a bridge in Pioneer Place
Bugs Eye View of a stone lampost in the Rose Garden
Diagonals of a house in downtown Portland

Leading Lines of a walk way in the Rose Garden
Close Up of a mushroom in Washington Park

Filling the Frame of garbage found in downtown Portland


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Best of Project 1 30x2

For this project, we focused on two subjects and took thirty photos of each from various angles using different camera functions. The two subjects I focused on were a yellow flower with a spider on it, and a scene from Alice in Wonderland, painted on a wall.

This is a photo of a spider that I took using the macro setting of my camera. I edited it in light room and changed the brightness to give it darker, richer tones. I really like the depth of field of this photo and the contrast between the flowers and the leaves.

This photo is of a flower with a drop of dew in the center that i took with the black and white setting on my camera. I edited it to contrast the lightness of the petals and the dark grass behind it. I like this photo because of its focus on the flower, and the contrast in it.

This photo of a caterpillar was taken using the selective color mode for my camera, so as to pick out the brightness of the mushroom. I edited it to make the color brighter and richer, and make the dark colors stand out which is why I like this photo. 
This picture of the Queen of Hearts was taken with a very low brightness setting, which gives it a darker, nighttime look. I edited it to help the red of the Queen stand out, as well as the black around her to outline her. I really like the dark quality of the photo, with the contrast of the bright red, which I think really represents the subject well.

This photo of Alice was also taken using the selective coloring mode. In light room I increased the contrast and the vibrance of the colors and also changed the brightness to that Alice would stand out from the background. I really enjoy how even though Alice is the subject of the photo, she is the only subject that isn't in color.