Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Best of Project 1 30x2

For this project, we focused on two subjects and took thirty photos of each from various angles using different camera functions. The two subjects I focused on were a yellow flower with a spider on it, and a scene from Alice in Wonderland, painted on a wall.

This is a photo of a spider that I took using the macro setting of my camera. I edited it in light room and changed the brightness to give it darker, richer tones. I really like the depth of field of this photo and the contrast between the flowers and the leaves.

This photo is of a flower with a drop of dew in the center that i took with the black and white setting on my camera. I edited it to contrast the lightness of the petals and the dark grass behind it. I like this photo because of its focus on the flower, and the contrast in it.

This photo of a caterpillar was taken using the selective color mode for my camera, so as to pick out the brightness of the mushroom. I edited it to make the color brighter and richer, and make the dark colors stand out which is why I like this photo. 
This picture of the Queen of Hearts was taken with a very low brightness setting, which gives it a darker, nighttime look. I edited it to help the red of the Queen stand out, as well as the black around her to outline her. I really like the dark quality of the photo, with the contrast of the bright red, which I think really represents the subject well.

This photo of Alice was also taken using the selective coloring mode. In light room I increased the contrast and the vibrance of the colors and also changed the brightness to that Alice would stand out from the background. I really enjoy how even though Alice is the subject of the photo, she is the only subject that isn't in color.