Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Photoshop on Photoshop on Photoshop

This is an image that represents the situation in Crimea currently, and I created it using photoshop to input country flags over the body of a person. This image represents how the US is trying to remain allies with the Russians superficially, but they actually seem to be taking a big interest in the Crimea situation, which is represented by the Ukrainian flag in the background, the UN symbol, and the way that the people are arranged in an agressive formation.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

FIne Art Portraits and Magazine Cover.

This is a fine art portrait I took of my friend Bailey. I asked him to do his "fine art portrait pose" and then I edited the photo into black and white. I really like the image because the background was especially interesting, I had him sit against the school lockers, which are scratched and beat up, which also makes me connect with the image because it is something that I see every day when I walk down the hallways.

This Fine art image is of Kyle McNeil taken in front of a black piece of paper so that he would stand out, because he was wearing a black shirt. The black background also makes the red and green in the flower stand out in contrast form the rest of the image. I edited the image to be darker and also added a texture to the top of it to make the image seem more gritty, and make the large amonts of black space more appealing.

This is a fine art self portrait I took. I liked it because of the contrast between the rough background and my face, as well as the way that the pattern of the shirt really contrasts the background.
This is a commercial portrait taken of Kyle with tape over his mouth to represent the lack of voice that people have these days. This photo was also taken against a black background so that kyle's face is in sharp contrast. The black and white as well as the pose of kyle help to give a mood of bleakness, which fits in with the theme of the articles in the magazine. I emulated a Time Magazine cover because the image seemed very serious, which fits best with the political articles that time magazine often runs.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


There are generally two types of portraits: commercial portraits and fine art portraits. Commercial portraits are images taken by photographers who are hired to do a specific photo shoot that the employer wants. These commercial portraits are generally used for magazine shoots. The other type of portrait is a fine art portrait, which is simply a portrait that a photographer takes for the sake of taking a good picture. This portraits are used to highlight the beauty of the subject, and are therefore sometimes used for magazines about fashion. 

Diogo Pereira.
The use of pose and composition in this image were especially effective because they highlight the strangeness of the subject with the sunglasses he's wearing. The lighting also highlights the darkness of the sunglasses, which draws the viewer's attention. The black and white makes the image seem very strange and slightly unnerving.  The shallow depth of field makes creates a vague background and a very sharp foreground.

Eva Miliunieve.
I like this photo because the composition is excellent at highlighting the innocence of the subjects.  The lighting is also excellent because the background is plain, but still interesting, which allows the viewer to focus on the subjects in the image. The use of color, especially the red that the little girl is wearing, stick out and make the image interesting, while utilizing very few colors, which keeps the image simple and clean.

I like this magazine cover because of the use of posing to highlight the movement in the image, which especially supports the topic of the magazine cover. It makes it seem as if Mohammed Ali is actually throwing a punch at the viewer, which makes a very interesting magazine cover. The line of his arm is additionally very well utilized to lead the viewer's eyes to the headline of the magazine.

I really like this image because the composition is excellent in supporting the topic of mockery of the magazine. The colors are are very vibrant against the plain white background which also helps the viewer focus simply on the subjects. The use of props like the typewriter and the positioning of the man on the right, help make the image humorous and makes me want to read the article.