Thursday, April 17, 2014

FIne Art Portraits and Magazine Cover.

This is a fine art portrait I took of my friend Bailey. I asked him to do his "fine art portrait pose" and then I edited the photo into black and white. I really like the image because the background was especially interesting, I had him sit against the school lockers, which are scratched and beat up, which also makes me connect with the image because it is something that I see every day when I walk down the hallways.

This Fine art image is of Kyle McNeil taken in front of a black piece of paper so that he would stand out, because he was wearing a black shirt. The black background also makes the red and green in the flower stand out in contrast form the rest of the image. I edited the image to be darker and also added a texture to the top of it to make the image seem more gritty, and make the large amonts of black space more appealing.

This is a fine art self portrait I took. I liked it because of the contrast between the rough background and my face, as well as the way that the pattern of the shirt really contrasts the background.
This is a commercial portrait taken of Kyle with tape over his mouth to represent the lack of voice that people have these days. This photo was also taken against a black background so that kyle's face is in sharp contrast. The black and white as well as the pose of kyle help to give a mood of bleakness, which fits in with the theme of the articles in the magazine. I emulated a Time Magazine cover because the image seemed very serious, which fits best with the political articles that time magazine often runs.